
Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed for 5th Edition!

Created by Nord Games

Over 130 new horrific monsters to add to your 5th Edition game! More details, more options, more variations, more fun!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

It Was Beauty Killed the Beast (and Necromantic Rituals That Raised it Again)
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 03:27:27 AM

Greetings from the pit, up-worlders, 

It's been a busy couple of weeks in the Nord Games mines, with a lot of focus on the Spectacular Settlements playtest (if you've not checked that out, give it a look - if you like what you see and want to get on board with the playest, check out instructions here). We've still been plugging away at Dreaded Accursed, but mostly boring behind-the-scens stuff like formatting statblocks in Google Docs to make the new layout plugin work which, while incredibly nifty and useful for me, isn't exactly a feast for the senses for you, our beloved backer.

However, what I can share with you is a selection of rough sketches for the dread beasts you helped to unlock as a stretch goal, and which will be sprinkled throughout the book. You want curse-slinging mummy cats? You want skeletal troop carriers? You want at least three flavors of 'undead swarms bursting out of things'? We have those, and many other, incredibly specific needs catered for, don't you worry your disturbed little head about it. Anything here take your fancy?

Note to self - insert witty Beastie Boys reference here before posting
Note to self - insert witty Beastie Boys reference here before posting

We're really enjoying engaging with friends, fans, and backers on Discord. If you want to come and join the growing community (and talk to me about undeath, dinosaurs, or anything really), do pop over to our Discord server. We'll be happy to have you!

Keep it creepy, 


33% Off Still Kickin' Until July 31st!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:36:18 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Revenge of the Horde PDFs
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 03:33:50 AM

This Is Just To Say

You should have received
the Revenge of the Horde PDFs
that you added
on Backerkit

and which
you were probably
to get a bit sooner.

Forgive us
We were shorthanded
so busy
because of Origins. 

Which is itself to say - if you added the Revenge of the Horde PDF on Backerkit, you should have received an email with instructions on how to download it. If you've not, please check in your junk folder in case it got lost, and send us a direct message, and we'll be able to sort you out. 

We hope you enjoy goblin' it up, and that it whets your appetite for The Dreaded Accursed even more! Please do get in touch with us on social media or, if I might be so (ko)bold, write a review on our website, and let us know what you think! Thanks for (bug)bearing with us with the slight delay, hope it wasn't too orc-ward for you.


Backerkit Lockdown, Final Dog Might Designs & A Special Thank You!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 01:49:42 AM

Hi All,

Just a quick heads up to let you know that we are locking down Backerkit surveys and charging credit cards for any shipping that may be applicable and any add ons you may have added to your order. If you see a charge on your credit card in the next few days this is why. If you haven't finished your survey yet that's not a problem. We will try to lock down completed surveys every couple weeks from now to when we fulfill. If you haven't received your survey try using this recovery link: but if that doesn't work you can send us a direct message here on Kickstarter and we'll get you sorted out.

If you need to make any changes to your order, please send us a direct message, and we'll be able to unlock it for you. 

Additionally, we mentioned that the wonderful Valhalla Screen and Dice Sheath from our friends at Dog Might Games were not final designs, and were subject to some revisions. Well, we are happy to share the updated versions with you. Not only that, but they have been kind enough to provide us with ANOTHER design! That's right, we now have not only the extra spooky Valhalla Screen (now with 100% more monsters) and the Apocryphal Lich Adept Dice Sheath, but you can now pick up the Blight Lich Adept Dice Sheath as well! Check them out!

Dreaded Accursed Valhalla Screen
Dreaded Accursed Valhalla Screen
Apocryphal Lich Adept Dice Sheath
Apocryphal Lich Adept Dice Sheath
Blight Lich Adept Dice Sheath
Blight Lich Adept Dice Sheath

A Special Thank You! As our company grows we are taking important steps to take good care of our employees. My top priority as owner and CEO this year was to make sure all of our employees would have access to health insurance by the end of the year. I'm very happy to announce that due to all of your continued support of our products, our wildly successful sales strategy through our website, the growing number of retailers that carry our products, and our new distribution channels, we are going to be able to offer health insurance to our employees starting on July 1st. This wouldn't have been possible without you, our core customer base. Many of you have been with us from the start and many of you are just learning about Nord Games. We've gone from hundreds, to thousands, and now to tens of thousands of customers. We will continue to grow because of you and it's only fitting that we acknowledge that fact. So please accept this hearth felt thank you from all of the crew at Nord Games!

-Chris H., Ralph, Lou, Scott, Jesse, Andrew, Megan, Jay, Greg, and Chris V. 

Ultimate-r Bestiary: Return of the Revenge of the Horde
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 02:00:26 AM

What ho, accursed minions!

Been a while, huh? Got a couple of bits of news for you.

First and foremost, I am happy to announce that Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde is finally back in stock on the website! I know a couple of you have been waiting a while for this (trust me, we have too). Sorry for the wait on that one, but your discount codes are still valid, so if you wanted to snap up one of these bad boys in hardcover format at a cheeky discount, get on down

Secondmost, you should all have received your Backerkit invite by now. If you haven't, please send us a direct message, and we'll be able to sort you out. 

Thirdly, a bit of good news about the hardcover version of Dreaded Accursed. We are upgrading the paper we use in our books across the board. We have been using a 95gsm gloss paper which looks beautiful and feels good to flip through, but we've been wanting something thicker. The paper we've chosen is a 128gsm gloss paper which feels significantly more robust than the 95gsm while still keeping the same brilliance in color and clarity. This was not a small change when it comes to cost, but we feel the difference in profit margin is worth it to get a superior product for our fans.

News out of the way, I think perhaps a little bit of eye candy is in order. Takashi has been busy chipping away at the color artwork, starting with the sketches on the main Kickstarter page so you can directly compare. Check them out!

Bilemaw Ghoul
Bilemaw Ghoul
Blight Lich Adept - Fans of Quests & Chaos might have seen this one make an appearance at KublaCon... (click the picture to see it in action!)
Blight Lich Adept - Fans of Quests & Chaos might have seen this one make an appearance at KublaCon... (click the picture to see it in action!)
Vampire Noble
Vampire Noble

I'll be peppering some more color artwork throughout future updates, so watch this space (and if you're part of our Discord community, my finger has been known to slip from time to time, and artwork previews find their way there as well. It's a real problem). 

Anyway, I think that's quite enough of that for now. 

As you were. 

-Ralph and Lou